Author Archive

Risky Business

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Risky Business: Radical and Reckless Architecture

Open Lecture Series
ed by Maria Feller, Enrico Forestieri, Marta Geroldi

Politecnico di Milano – via Golgi 20

Building 26 Room L1.4 – H 10:00

more info: bipolarch

Around RHG: lecture series #5

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

martedì 21 maggio

Politecnico di Milano
ore 15:00
Aula Gamma
via Ampére, 2

Carles Muro
Notas sobre el Mat Building

Download Carles presentation
Download the full program of guest-lectures

Desbordamiento · José Val del Omar

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Rodaje de Fuego en Castilla (1960)

José Val del Omar (1904-1982) è stato un artista e cineasta spagnolo.

Durante 50 anni di carriera sperimenta senza sosta alla ricerca di una singolare alchimia di tecnica e poesia nelle immagini in movimento: la meca-mística.

I film di VDO e gli innumerevoli frammenti audio e video mirano ad ampliare le frontiere della sensazione ottica, così come a cercare di vedere ciò che non può essere visto e mettere alla prova i limiti stessi della visione (T. Beard, 2010), della stessa narrazione ed esperienza del cinema: un progetto “sin fin”.

Per saperne di più su José Val del Omar: Bipolarch

Architecture of the Interior

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

The Chair of Architectural Design / Interiors at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology organized a one-day international conference entitled Architecture and the Interior on Thursday 23 May.

Gennaro Postiglione has been invited to participate as a keynote speaker (From the very large interior to the continuum interior)

Check out the Architecture of the Interior master course brand new website.

Lab-int/2013: programme

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Laboratorio di progettazione degli Interni 1

Spring Semester 2013 at POLIMI
Prof Gennaro Postiglione, arch. Francesco Dolce, arch. Enrico Scaramellini


Utopia reloaded

A+P Smithsons’ Robin Hood Gardens © Alison and Peter Smithson

Oggeto del lavoro di quest’anno sarà il complesso residenziale dei Robin Hood Gardens (1966-1972) di Alison and Peter Smithson che l’amministrazione comunale di Londra ha deciso nel 2009 di demolire per la cattiva condizione statica, igienica e sociale del complesso.
Il laboratorio, dopo una fase ricognitiva sui dati materiali e culturali legati all’immobile, affronta l’ipotesi di un progetto di recupero e riqualificazione per uno dei capolavori del brutalismo britannico.

Durante il laboratorio è stato programmato un ciclo di conferenze sul lavoro di APS a cura degli arch. Michela Bassanelli ed Enrico Forestieri.

Prima Lezione
incontro con David Heathcote
martedì 12 marzo
ore 14:30
The Barbican Centre

Download il calendario del laboratorio.

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Lab-int/2013: news

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Aedas unveiled first images of their Robin Hood Gardens ‘Regeneration’… and they look very far from being convincing. On bdonline more images and an article explaining that:

The new homes will be used to ‘decant’ residents from the existing Robin Hood Gardens, which is due to be demolished in a future phase of the project…

Lab-int/2013 should keep an eye on this…

The Oslo Centre for Critical Architectural Studies (OCCAS)

Thursday, October 25th, 2012


Functional Art, The: An introduction to information graphics and visualization

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

The first Massive Open Online Course about infographics and data visualization.

(UPDATE, Oct. 13th: The Knight Center has told me that, due to server limits, they have been forced to put a cap on the amount of participants. In any case, the course will be offered again in January. This situation was unexpected, and it is due to the fact that this is the first experiment the Center does with this kind of program. They are trying to avoid server blackouts. I’ll do my best to accommodate everybody who wants to sign up by offering it as many times as needed in the next months.)
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Architecture and archaeologies of the production landscapes: conference

Saturday, October 13th, 2012


International Conference
18.10 – 19.10    2012

03.10 > 19.10   2012

Il Convegno internazionale, organizzato dall’Unità di Ricerca Iuav “Architetture e archeologie dei paesaggi della produzione”, propone un evento culturale di approfondimento e discussione sulle diverse linee di ricerca e di progetto relative al recupero e alla rigenerazione di luoghi e architetture della produzione.
Correlato alla mostra, che illustra in dettaglio gli esiti di una “Call for papers and proposals of architectural design”, bandita all’inizio del 2012, il Convegno presenta accanto ai progetti e le ricerche selezionate alcuni interventi di riconosciuto rilievo per le tematiche affrontate.

Download: programma del convegno


lablog tries to post on facebook

Monday, October 8th, 2012

[La villa di Livia, Roma, 30- 20 a.C]

Today, we set up a plugin to update lablog facebook profile with all posts we edit on the blog. We hope to spread out more lablog information and archive: at least we try.

CM-int/2012 takes off

Friday, October 5th, 2012

IA-Interior Architecture course 2012-13
Prof Gennaro Postiglione together with arch Maddalena Scarzella



architecture from concept to built form


Monday 8th October 2012 – h. 9:15 aula C
Facoltà di Architettura e Società
Politecnico di Milano

Main goal is to describe the design process, the architectural solutions and the detailing choices of a built work in a chronological order. The sequence of selected iconography for each step will be arranged into specific categories (typology, materials, elements, etc.), according standard architecture manuals, and explained through captions (140 characters in order to be able to become twitter posts). An introduction presenting the work ‘facts’, a short description of 1000 words and an essay selected among what already published, will constitute the main textual sections.

Follow the project on:

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10 rules for students and teachers

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

NUS-project on air

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Thematic design studio 2013


NUS – New Urban Scapes

from design to curatorial practice


Spring Semester 2013 at POLIMI
Gennaro Postiglione, Antonio Longo, Talita Medina & Marco Lampugnani, Enrico Forestieri

NUS – project will be active in Milan, italy, in 2013, focusing on concrete urban issues.

NUS will develop material or immaterial design solutions (systemic and diffuse or site specific, crossing the different scales) dealing with everyday living needs of the people, and considering the many aspects that contribute to the habitability of the city.

We would like NUS developing projects that are the core for quick and effective Diploma work. We would like as well to find people that share this approach: enrollement open for the Spring Seemester 2013 at POLIMI.

Visit us on

Mostra all’Urban center di MIlano

Monday, September 24th, 2012



Interpretazioni e progetti per i territori della cintura milanese

25 settembre – 5 ottobre 2012

Urban Center Comune di Milano, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 11/12 Milano

Inaugurazione: Lunedi 24 settembre, h.18.00

Seminario: Borders|Confini: riflessioni e prospettive
Giovedi 4 ottobre h. 14.30 e h.17.00
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Lab-Int-2012 | Exhibition

Monday, September 10th, 2012

It has been a very long weekend for our Design Studio. An open exhibition with a lot of visitors, lot of talks, quite few drinks… We’ll probably get soon a full coverage of the event (professional photographss and videos) but for the time being here’s a little slideshow of the exhibition’s set up.

Here you can have a preview of the Year Book 2012