REcall final event in Berlin

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014


REcall final event, Berlin 30 April 2014

For more info: click here


The Next Monument, Amsterdam

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Are monuments only records of recorded histories? How can they act as a prompts for on-going reflection? Could a traditional monument be the starting point for individual commemoration? Does a memorial have to be fashioned out of bronze or marble to make a significant impression on our psyche? [James Young]

press release

Beyond the monument
Gerhard Hofland gallery


The Jewish Resistance Monument revisited
11:00-15:00 / 18:00-21:00
Amstel 41 gallery

Browse The Book of Fragments

Giornata della Memoria 2014

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Mirjam Ohringer – Widerstand gegen die Nationalsozialisten in NL

Per la Giornata della Memoria (27 Gennaio 2014), lablog, all’interno del progetto di ricerca REcall, è andato ad ascoltare i racconti di Mirjam Ohringer, una sopravvissuta alla deportazione di Ebrei ad Amsterdam e membro attivo della Resistenza Ebrea in città. Tra le tante cose dette nelle due ore di conversazione, Mirjam ha ricordato di aver rifiutato la possibilità che le si era creata di emigrare in Svizzera per non abbandonare la sua posizione di giovane della resistenza cittadina.

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Friday, December 6th, 2013

Lablog has been invited to participate at the one-day seminar “Shifting AiR strategies” arranged by id11 in collaboration with Tetterode Collective on the 14th DEC at Lijm & Cultuur space. Lablog will present the on-going research-by-design focused on “The Next Monument” on new forms of Memorialisation of conflict memories. The work is part of the REcall-project, a research by-design funded by EU Culture Programme 2012.

As part of the same initiative, on the 11th, within the Amsterdam West Wednesday programme, Lablog will present “The Next Monument” also in the premises of Tetterode Marble Hall by means of an “Instant Exhibition”.

Download the Tetterode Collective program or go to the id11 homepage.


lablog WS in Rome

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

REcall WS3: Rome, 8-14 SEP 2013

Research by design activity aimed at envisioning projects in consistency with the issues pointed out in the REcall-project Call. Two-days visits to the case-study sites will provide direct knowledge of the project areas and identification of specific requirements suggested by the hosting institutions. The workshop activities will comprise teamwork, conferences, seminars, lectures and communications from local administration.

To browse into the final day presentation visit the link


lablog goes to Norway

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

REcall project workshop in Falstad, 24th-30th June 2013

Research by design activity aimed at envisioning projects in consistency with the issues pointed out in the REcall-project Call. Two-days visits to the case-study sites will provide direct knowledge of the project areas and identification of specific requirements suggested by the hosting institutions. The workshop activities will comprise teamwork, conferences, seminars, lectures and communications from local administration.

Browse the programme

REcall-project: call for applications/UPDATE

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Il concorso è stato aperto anche agli studenti della magistrale, oltre che ai laureati dopo il 2007/The competition is now open also to MA students besides the Graduated after 2007

speriamo di vedervi partecipare numerosi/we look forward to see many of you partecipating!

This call for tenders is part of the REcall project and aims at receiving enthusiastic and thorough proposal for Difficult Heritage – such as the ones coming from XX Century conflicts and wars – re-appropriation interventions. Selected entries will be granted access to one of the two design workshops which will take place in Norway and Italy in 2013. Proposals will be guided towards a successful end, in which those selected entries will compete for a final prize involving an economic contribution.

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REcall-project: call for applications

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

REcall – European Conflict Archaeological Landscape Re-appropriation

Concorso per laureandi e giovani laureati.

1. Tre membri, per ognuno dei dieci gruppi che verranno selezionati, parteciperanno (avendo tutto spesato) ad uno dei due workshop previsti (uno in Norvegia e uno in Italia).
2. Inoltre ogni gruppo ha un rimborso di 1000 euro come contribuito per le spese di elaborazione dei materiali da consegnare nella seconda fase.
3. I vincitori, riceveranno un premio di 3000 euro se primi e 2000 se secondi.
4. Infine, tre membri del gruppo di progettazione parteciperanno, avendo tutto spesato, al seminario finale con mostra e convegno.
5. I gruppi dovranno essere composti almeno da 1 architetto, 1 archeologo, 1 artista.

Cerca un team partner su REcall-project FB group

Download the call

Deadline for registration: 30 JAN 2013 > new dead line 15 MAR 2013
Deadline for delivering the proposal: 15 FEB 2013 > new deadline 28 FEB 2013

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