Stories from shapes to forms
Wednesday, November 25th, 2009Le Corbusier, Nature morte à l’Accordéon, vers 1927-29
[pic from:]
Design workshop: ELISAVA, Barcellona, 16-22 dec 2009
For more info: read the post
ADSL2009 workshop: more results
Friday, October 23rd, 2009[pic Lorenzo Casali 2009]
Friday April the 3rd at ARTESIS in Antwerp there has been the presentation of ADSL2009 Workshop [SERENDIPITY] products: 12 teams have presented the work developed during the week. Tutors and students were very committed and the results also of interest.
The programme, with details about the 12 teams and about invited guest lectures, can be downloaded here: ADSL2009-brochure
Trailer > click here
Following you can download some of the final presentations Read the rest of this entry »
Nokia Tim: configurazione
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009Dopo aver telefonato a tutti i call center e scaricato guide da i siti della Tim e di Nokia, alla fine per riuscire a navigare in internet con il mio Nokia E63 ho appreso che bisogna fare un piccolo giochetto (che solo un cortese addetto di un centro Assistenza Tim mi ha svelato).
Per chi dovesse averne bisogno di seguito descrivo tutta la procedura per la connessione alla rete e per la configurazione del Nokia E63 per essere usato come modem da un Mac OS X 10.4 (con contratto TIM Aziendale Buisiness)
WWII voids [Milan]
Friday, February 4th, 2005WWII voids in Milan [by Stefano]
The Diploma work faces the problematic seam of the hurts present in the historical city plan, places where the historical stratifications, the remains and the memories of the urban fabric emerge and mix. Milano stands out as an emblematic city of a common European situation, because from the bombing of the II world war, to the intense today building activity, the city brings continuously to light hidden memories and remains, which reveal the layered character of the past an point out the remains non selective but synchronic value.