ReSTa2017_Final Exam & Exhibition Seminar

January 5th, 2018

Abstract and work archive, in the following pages.

The overall title for the project is ReSTa – which as an acronym translates into english as “Temporary Social Housing”. This relates to a social programme which has been running for some years as a joint effort between the City of Milan and various housing associations | coop’s.
The programme provides services for those in emergency housing need, as an interim measure, until a more permanent housing offer can be made. This temporary provision lasts typically between 6 and 18 months. Those eligible for the programme include mothers with children who have suffered abuse, families that have been evicted from private accommodation due to job loss, and homeless individuals living on the streets.
At the beginning of the semester students were asked to research and present case studies of similar social programmes both from their countries of origin and across Milan. These studies were put together in a booklet for use as a reference in the design projects. As further preparation, the students have made photographic studies of their own living spaces, and, led by Stefania Sabatinelli, have read relevant context papers on social housing issues and
presented these in a seminar format to the whole class.
The students have had direct input from representatives of the City of Milan and partner housing providers who have visited POLIMI and outlined their approach to the ReSTa programme. Six existing buildings in Milan have been chosen as sites for the students’ design proposals.
Students have had the opportunity, working with the providers, to interview individuals and families currently housed under the programme.
There are around fifty students in total. They have worked collaboratively in six large groups on research and documentation of the six case study sites (presented as a booklet + survey
drawings). For the design proposal they are working collaboratively in groups of three (+ one group of four). The module is in Interior Architecture – the students’ designs rework the interiors
of parts of the six case study buildings to provide accommodation for families and individuals under the ReSTa programme. They have been encouraged to look at case study examples,
including forms of co-housing and ‘alternative’ hostel settings, as references for their work. The proposals should offer a level of material support and comfort, while recognising that this is not
a conventional long-term housing solution.

Here if you find the repository with all the work produced divided by Case-study location:

Booklet-project: GR06GR12GR14
Leporello-project: GR06GR12GR14.1GR14.2

Booklet-project: GR13GR15
Leporello-project: GR13GR15

Booklet-project: GR04GR09GR10
Leporello-project: GR04GR09GR10

Booklet-project: GR03GR08
Leporello-project: GR03GR08

Booklet-project: GR01GR02GR16
Leporello-project: GR01GR02GR16.1GR16.2

Booklet-project: GR05 – GR07GR11
Leporello-project: GR05GR07GR11

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