MI/ARC: Call for students

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

In occasione di MI/ARCH 2014, il festival d’architettura che si terrà al Politecnico di Milano dal 13 al 16 ottobre, avete l’occasione di essere selezionati per un confronto diretto di discussione e di scambio di idee con i grandi nomi dell’architettura mondiale che avete sempre visto sulle riviste. E’ stata organizzata una call for projects, con l’obiettivo di selezionare i 15 progetti migliori che verranno presentati direttamente a uno degli architetti invitati, al termine della loro conferenza. Ai conferenzieri sarà sottoposto un singolo progetto che dovrà essere presentato pubblicamente dall’autore/dagli autori e successivamente commentato in non più di 10 minuti.

Aperto a: tutti gli studenti e i laureati (da non più di due anni) del Politecnico di Milano. Termine per la consegna degli elaborati: 14 settembre 2014

Tutti i dettagli: http://www.polimi.it/uploads/media/MI_ARCH_call_for_projects.pdf

Summer workshop: Milano

Friday, June 13th, 2014

Dopo alcuni anni siamo riusciti ad organizzare nuovamente al POLIMI, Scuola di Architettura e Società, MIAW-Milano International Architecture Workshop:
29 Settemebre – 11 Ottobre 2014
Scaricate la call l’application form
Mandate l’application form + un PDF [max 5MB] con CV & Portfolio entro il 30 giugno a
efiasia dot cipolloni at polimi dot it
4 ECTS accreditation.

Archeonet workshop 26-30 June

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

[Borgo Marinella conceptual idea by Melissa Renzi e Barbara Ripari]

Archeonet is a research developed within the Faculty of Architecture of Genoa and financed by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research.

Aim of Archeonet is the valorisation of the cultural and natural Italian heritage through the development of archaeological sites, museums that manage them and geographical areas in which these sites are. The basic idea of this research is that the economical resources produced by mass tourism can be partly readdressed and redistributed along the territory in order to promote other areas where there are important sites of historical and cultural interest, but not yet included in the chain of international tourism.

Location: Luni (SP)
Date: 26-30 June


IP Bologna I Team 04 work

Friday, April 20th, 2012

During the two weeks in Bologna for the IP Creating a Context workshop we – Team group 04 – finally realized a work consisting of both a physical installation and a video projection.

The work focused on Bologna graffiti dealing with the theme of the un-listened voices of bolognese citizens (didn’t matter if Italian, toursits, students, etc.): voices with no sounds, as re-presented in the video interviews edited in the city centre asking invited speakers to deliver a free speach without using the voice in front of our camera corder.

At the same time, in the gallery space of House of Front, where the final show was arranged, together with the video sequences there was also an installation realized using white building blocks of gasbeton.

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WS ‘Structural Architectures’ results

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Here is the link to browse inside the Leoporelli with the final results of the Erasmus Intensive Programme Workshop ‘Structural Architectures’ held at POLIMI the first two weeks of September 2011.

Click here to read the Leporelli

10 Leporelli in a box:
structural architectures
geometry, code and design
Erasmus Intensive Programme I Milano 2011

Cornelie Leopold, Luigi Cocchiarella, Mayka Garcia-Hípola, Benjamin Dillenburger, Andreas Kretzer, Gennaro Postiglione, Carlos Asensio-Wandosell

Gallery of Porto Venere (SP): WS site
Gallery of the WS results exhibition