New Workshop proposal

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Dear Students,
This is the last call for participation to the next Intensive Erasmus Workshop on “Structural Architectures: Geometry Code and Design

The deadline is July the 15th

You will find in attachment the poster concerning the call for the next Intensive Erasmus Workshop on “structural Architectures: Geometry Code and Design”, containing all the useful information you need at the moment for the selection. Interested students have to send via e-mail the following materials, by July 15th 2012, to:

1_letter of motivation (in English, maximum 2.000 typefaces long)
2_transcript of forme courses

After July 11th a date for short inerviews will be fixed, in order to select the 8 students who will participate in the workshop.

The project developed the past year are published on-line and available at: summerschool-milano2011 (see there “erasmus intensive program milano 2011”).

Best regards,
Prof. Luigi Cocchiarella

WS ‘Structural Architectures’ results

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Here is the link to browse inside the Leoporelli with the final results of the Erasmus Intensive Programme Workshop ‘Structural Architectures’ held at POLIMI the first two weeks of September 2011.

Click here to read the Leporelli

10 Leporelli in a box:
structural architectures
geometry, code and design
Erasmus Intensive Programme I Milano 2011

Cornelie Leopold, Luigi Cocchiarella, Mayka Garcia-Hípola, Benjamin Dillenburger, Andreas Kretzer, Gennaro Postiglione, Carlos Asensio-Wandosell

Gallery of Porto Venere (SP): WS site
Gallery of the WS results exhibition