Museo d’europa

Friday, April 24th, 2015

Museo d’europa come museo di migrazioni, Marta Pavan e Martina Scaravatti (POLIMI APR2015).

L’obiettivo della tesi è la realizzazione del futuro Museo d’Europa. Il punto di partenza è l’analisi di un’attuale entità sovranazionale costituitasi attraverso secoli di migrazioni che hanno avviato un intenso processo di ibridazione culturale.

REcall-project: call for applications/UPDATE

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Il concorso è stato aperto anche agli studenti della magistrale, oltre che ai laureati dopo il 2007/The competition is now open also to MA students besides the Graduated after 2007

speriamo di vedervi partecipare numerosi/we look forward to see many of you partecipating!

This call for tenders is part of the REcall project and aims at receiving enthusiastic and thorough proposal for Difficult Heritage – such as the ones coming from XX Century conflicts and wars – re-appropriation interventions. Selected entries will be granted access to one of the two design workshops which will take place in Norway and Italy in 2013. Proposals will be guided towards a successful end, in which those selected entries will compete for a final prize involving an economic contribution.

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REcall workshop

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Visualizza REcall_Venice WWII ‘Places&Stories’ in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori

The Venice workshop has for REcall a double challenge: is the occasion for launching officially (and in public) the project and also to test the quality and the quantity of its research queries. But the choice of Venice is not by chance, but a carefully elaborated decision connected to the specific concept behind the fore coming 13th Architecture Biennale titled ‘Common Ground’.

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ADSL2010 #3: WS presentations

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Workshop theme: HAPPINESS

The betrayal of desire has a precise name: happiness
[Slavoj Žižek, Welcome in the desert of real, 2002]

Team #10:  Rooms for Damned: The Consolation of Interiors


After the work of Micheal Lee Hong Hwee: Foundations. The Consolation of Museology

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