Museum in an age of migrations, Oslo KHM

Sunday, December 22nd, 2013

Museum in an age of migrations, Oslo KHM by Rachele Albini (POLIMI December 2013)

The world we live in it’s becoming everyday more a world of ‘others’ rather than a world of ‘self’. Students, workers, professionals and tourists are the new nomads, protagonists of a dynamism now more intense than in the past and which interests all kind of spheres: from the economical to the demographical one, from the political to the cultural one. This phenomenon, increased by Internet and globalization, is being responsible of a change in our way to perceive the history, art and the idea of nationality.

Look inside the book to know more.

Redefining Landscapes

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Redefining Landscapes: Nuove forme di compensazioe per l’abuso edilizio in Italia by Stefano Galasso (POLIMI December 2013).

Questo è il risultato di un lavoro di ricerca e studio nato e proseguito grazie alla volontà di confrontarsi con un territorio ed un paesaggio tra i più belli al mondo, riconosciuto e protetto dall’Unesco, ma che dietro cotanta naturalità e fascino nasconde diversi problemi e criticità che la maggior parte delle volte vengono trascurate o evitate quasi per non intaccare l’immagine che si ha di questo frammento di nostro territorio.

Guarda nel volume.


Shrinking Montevideo

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Shrinking Montevideo by Isabella Forestieri (POLIMI December 2013)

More than fifty percent of the world’s population now lives in cities, and the figure is expected to increase in the next two decades. However, the common assumption that the global increase in urbanization means that all cities are growing, is false: in every part of the world many cities are actually shrinking. As the city is “context par excellence” where man lives and acts, delineate the trajectories, the phenomena and processes that trigger in these living organisms, which are the cities, it is essential to understand the anthropology of contemporary life, its its unfolding, and to be able to act consequently to improve the liveability the unity and the equity of its inhabitants.

Look inside the book to know more [draft version]


Inclusive city

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

Inclusive city by Guadalupe Ciocoletto (POLIMI, April 2013)

An investigation into the core of iperdiverCity to challenge the design of a co-working hub tuned on cultural diversity and integration processes.

Look iside the book

Milano green cages

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Milano green cages by Mauro Coppini (POLIMI, June 2012)

An utopia for Milano 2050 when to balance the CO2 emission the need to produce the oxygen brings the Milan municipality to promote a programme of a wide and dense forestation of the urban context.

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