Archive for the 'workshops' Category

ws2DA’07 launching

Monday, March 5th, 2007

070305: today the ws2DA’07 was lauched and three documents were presented.


01-sitepresentation, an overview of the working site: Rinkoping fiord on the west coast of Denmark.

02-launching, the brief: commenting & giving tips about the schedule to follow.

03-sequenceofpossibilities, a sequence of possibilities/suggestions: examples of what has been done so far as a starting point for personal deepening.

Tomorrow, there will be the general introduction over the Atlantic Wall project: an over view about the difensive infrastructure and about the research project The Atlantic Walla Linear Museum (

we will keep the blog updated: don’t miss any news and don’t forget key links:

web posts: CATEGORY ws2DA’07
download materials: link to archive

070305: ws2DA’07 takes off

Sunday, March 4th, 2007


workshop 5/03-5/04
Master in Interior Design and in Urban Design
Domus Academy 2007
project leader/interior: gennaro postiglione
tutoring/AWbunker-site: daniela canzi, ester golia

web posts: CATEGORY ws2DA’07

download brief in .pdf [52k]: aw2DA’07brief
download materials: link to archive

WS: Milano Difficult voids

Saturday, February 4th, 2006


Traces of war present in the urban foundation of cities as in landscapes represent a patrimony difficult to manage and have a relationship with because they are linked to unpleasant memories, which are often traumatic.  They raise issues of primary importance, such as the ones connected to collective identity and collective vs personal memory.
On one hand, people would like to obliterate all these traumatic places and memories, but at the same time there is the fear of losing part of one’s history and identity, which is partly comprised of these scars. There must be a third possibility, a “third space”, as H.K. Bhabha would call it: a space to develop a different design process regarding the tangible and intangible patrimony generated by the conflicts that can combine to have a therapeutic effect and be a catalyst for the emergence of museums.  This is the direction that the museography of “20th Century Conflict Archaeological Heritage” is going to.

And this is the design task we propose to Domus Academy students for this year: a challange to work on some WWII voids in the city centre of Milan. To change for our present and their future.
