Archive for August, 2011

Q+A> Rem Koolhaas

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Kiyonori Kikutake, Statiform Structure Module, 1972.
Kiyonori Kikutake

From: The architects’ Newspaper
Sounding weary with focusing on his own positions and prominence and energized by researching Japan in the 60s and 70s, Rem Koolhaas came down for coffee at the Carlyle Hotel to talk to AN about his new book Project Japan: Metabolism Talks (Taschen), a six-year project undertaken with Swiss critic and historian Hans Ulrich Obrist to interview the founders and thinkers of what the architect calls “the first non-Western avant-garde movement in architecture” and the Dutch architect’s search for a more meaningful engagement between architecture and societies.

Atlantikwall think-tank

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Day 2: 110805

Brainstorming seminar in Cambridge (03-06/08/2011) chaired by Dr. Gilly Carr, Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Continuing Education and a Fellow of St Catharine’s College.

Lablog was invited to join a group of 8 Scholars discussing about possible Research schemes to investigate the Atlantikwall remains: a difensive infrastructure crossing Europe from cape North to Pireénes, lasting more than 6.000 Km with almost 12.000 buildings and schelters abandoned on the shores of Europe.

A Military Heritage where large part of WWII painfull memories are melted together with the concrete used as construction material. Socio-cultural history, architecture and landscape, conflict archaelogy, are some of the disciplines involed by a such hudge invasive presence.

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