Archive for August, 2009

WS: Geografie dell’abbandono

Friday, August 14th, 2009


[53a Biennale di Venezia, 2009, mostra della Catalunya]

workshop di ricerca e mappatura dei Borghi italiani dismessi
ottobre 2009-marzo 2010

> temporaneamente sospeso!

GEOGRAFIE DELL’ABBANDONO è un workshop di ricerca “non-concentrato”: 10 giorni sparsi lungo il semestre, da ottobre 2009 a marzo 2010, per un totale di ca 60 ore (circa 2 incontri al mese) e dal valore di 4 CfU (riconosciuti agli studenti della Facoltà di Architettura e Società).

Scarica la presentazione: ws-geografie

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A Box of Dreams: competition

Thursday, August 6th, 2009


(Artwork by Nico Vascellari)

Fondazione Claudio Buziol

The third edition of the international competition dedicated to young people offers the chance to deal with the theme of creativity in various areas of art, fashion and design. The competition has a more idealistic aim of encouraging participants to present innovative ideas and projects, irrespective of their direct application. It is a true dream factory, where young people are encouraged to ‘dare’, by placing more emphasis on the idea and visionary ability than their technical level. The deadline for the submission of work is set for the 30th of October 2009!

link: A box of Dreams

link 2: Remind (deadline 30th SEP: to be verifyied)


Download here the competition rules!

Download here the entry form!

Expo 2015 cerca personale

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Expo 2015 ricerca giovani architetti e ingegneri per la costituzione dell’ufficio interno per la redazione del Master Plan del sito espositivo per Expo Milano 2015 (

Figure ricercate:

  • 3 giovani architetti e/o ingegneri con esperienza laureati dal almeno 3 anni
  • 12 neolaureati tra architetti, ingegneri edili e civili

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Per Adriano

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009


[Bruce Nauman, Topological Gardens, IUAV-Tolentini, 2009]

Last February, the friend and Maestro Adriano Cornoldi unaspected died. Professor in Interior Architecture at IUAV-Venice, in 2007 Adriano arranged the International Conference in Interior “Intervenire sull’esistente/Acting up-on the existent”; as the first one, in 2005, the venue was the Aula Magna of IUAV-Architecture at Tolentini (with its main entrance by Carlo Scarpa). As a homage to his teaching and legacy, I attach a small video-shot taken during the Bruce Nauman installation “Topological Gardens” arranged for the 53rd Art Biennale 2009: the Aula Magna of Tolentini is completely empty and filled only by voices repeting week-day names.

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Villa Malaparte

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Thanks to Plataforma Arquitectura I bumped again into this footage from the movie Le Mépris by Jan-Luc Godard, very well known among architects for the setting of Villa Malaparte.

A beautiful house, a beautiful movie, a beautiful summer…