CM-int/2010 #02: program & lectures
October 10th, 2010The course will take off participating at the IFW2010 International Conference ( scheduled – as you can read from the website – for 5-6 OCT 2010 at Politecnico di Milano/Faculties of Architecture in Leonardo and Bovisa.
The Participation at the Conference is compulsory for students who wish to register at the Course Interior Architecture 2010.
List of speakers & themes: Interior Wor[l]ds
During the semester, each student will work on a ‘key word’, editing a collection of interior works from XX th Century fitting his/her assigned ‘word’ (download the template to be used). There must be at least 10 works/projects every ten years but the final total should be of 99 because the 100th is a personal interpretation of the word made by the student him/her-self.
The ‘key word’ collection-book will contain:
– cover + nr. 3 opening service pages with personal info and about the course
– the paper selected from IFW2010 book [8.8MB]
– ONE image for each work selected (by architect/designer/artist)
– a caption for each image presented illustrating the connection with the theme
– ONE image for own interpretation
– a complete list of credits for all images presented
– nr. 3 closing service pages + back cover
A study trip will be planned to visit an interior master piece…
For whom who arrived later and/or started today (101011):
lecture 101004: Interiors as Paradigma
lecture 101011: On Domesticity
lecture 101018: Tradition vs Modernity: Arne Korsmo own house
lecture 101025: Furniture Room Dwelling…
lecture 101115: Sverre Fehn: The Roof as Paradigm
lecture 101122: LC & the house for all
lecture 101215: On Tectonic
lecture 110117: Sigurd Lewerentz: Paradox of Construction