Creating Context #3: WS in Krakow
February 5th, 2014[pic by Jorge Lascar]
IP-programme workshop
Creating Context #3
will be held in Krakow
13 – 27 > now 6th to 20th July 2014
POLIMI will take part with 6 MA students & 2 staff members: call for students is now open!
Sixty students working in nine cross-disciplinary (Art and Architecture) and transnational (5 Nationality) groups will develop proposals for public artworks in Kracow. Two academics, again, cross-disciplinary and transnational, are appointed to each student group to support them in the organisation and execution of their project.
Have a look at the WS programme and if interested send, using we-transfer or similar, your Portfolio in PDF format [max A3 size and 50MB].
Submission deadline Sunday 16 FEB 2014
WS Conditions:
– Accommodation supplied by organisers free of charge
– Travelling reimboursed at 90%
– Food on your own budget
– 4 ECTS for Polimi students
For programme details just browse the previous editions: the agenda for Krakow is not yet fixed.