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Thursday, March 16th, 2017

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“Lina Bo Bardi & Sverre Fehn as exhibition designers”

23. mars 2017
The National Museum – Architecture

REcall-project: call for applications/UPDATE

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Il concorso è stato aperto anche agli studenti della magistrale, oltre che ai laureati dopo il 2007/The competition is now open also to MA students besides the Graduated after 2007

speriamo di vedervi partecipare numerosi/we look forward to see many of you partecipating!

This call for tenders is part of the REcall project and aims at receiving enthusiastic and thorough proposal for Difficult Heritage – such as the ones coming from XX Century conflicts and wars – re-appropriation interventions. Selected entries will be granted access to one of the two design workshops which will take place in Norway and Italy in 2013. Proposals will be guided towards a successful end, in which those selected entries will compete for a final prize involving an economic contribution.

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