Lab-int/2013: programme

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Laboratorio di progettazione degli Interni 1

Spring Semester 2013 at POLIMI
Prof Gennaro Postiglione, arch. Francesco Dolce, arch. Enrico Scaramellini


Utopia reloaded

A+P Smithsons’ Robin Hood Gardens © Alison and Peter Smithson

Oggeto del lavoro di quest’anno sarà il complesso residenziale dei Robin Hood Gardens (1966-1972) di Alison and Peter Smithson che l’amministrazione comunale di Londra ha deciso nel 2009 di demolire per la cattiva condizione statica, igienica e sociale del complesso.
Il laboratorio, dopo una fase ricognitiva sui dati materiali e culturali legati all’immobile, affronta l’ipotesi di un progetto di recupero e riqualificazione per uno dei capolavori del brutalismo britannico.

Durante il laboratorio è stato programmato un ciclo di conferenze sul lavoro di APS a cura degli arch. Michela Bassanelli ed Enrico Forestieri.

Prima Lezione
incontro con David Heathcote
martedì 12 marzo
ore 14:30
The Barbican Centre

Download il calendario del laboratorio.

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Lab-int/2013: news

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Aedas unveiled first images of their Robin Hood Gardens ‘Regeneration’… and they look very far from being convincing. On bdonline more images and an article explaining that:

The new homes will be used to ‘decant’ residents from the existing Robin Hood Gardens, which is due to be demolished in a future phase of the project…

Lab-int/2013 should keep an eye on this…

NUS-project on air

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Thematic design studio 2013


NUS – New Urban Scapes

from design to curatorial practice


Spring Semester 2013 at POLIMI
Gennaro Postiglione, Antonio Longo, Talita Medina & Marco Lampugnani, Enrico Forestieri

NUS – project will be active in Milan, italy, in 2013, focusing on concrete urban issues.

NUS will develop material or immaterial design solutions (systemic and diffuse or site specific, crossing the different scales) dealing with everyday living needs of the people, and considering the many aspects that contribute to the habitability of the city.

We would like NUS developing projects that are the core for quick and effective Diploma work. We would like as well to find people that share this approach: enrollement open for the Spring Seemester 2013 at POLIMI.

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